Venus Moves to Sagittarius, Saturn Retrograde -Time to Hold on
Venus transit to Sagittarius means a lot for everyone. Venus signifies mundane (Worldly) needs such as beauty, love, sex, art, music, movies, fashion luxury, comforts, diamond, expensive cars, and money. During the next 30 days the planet of love will be influenced by Rahu, who is in Sagittarius for the last 14 months. The influence suggests these areas may get affected. Financial situation may turn a bit negative with sudden expenses or loss of money. Venus is the last planet (except moon) who will transit this sign and will pass through Rahu this year. As I have told you earlier, 2011 adds up to number 4. It’s ruler Rahu is the planet of illusion, sudden events and changes. He is transiting in the 8 th house (mystery house) of India’s birth chart. No one will have a clear idea of what’s going to unfold in the near and foreseeable future for India. Rahu will move to mysterious Scorpio in May 2011. So expect major changes in your life and Indian Politics around that time. The foun...