Lord Sun is conjunct with Saturn in Virgo Rashi from Sept 17 to October 16, 2011, indicates difficult time for the world. These two planets are considered apposite of each other and their transition together is not considered benign for the people at large! Lord Jupiter, the planet of finances and stock market is retrograde from August 31, 2011 till Dec 26, 2011 in Aries which is not favorable for the short term. India will go through Jupiter Sub (anter dasha) period from September 23, 2011 to July 11, 2012, indicates difficult time for India's as well global economy till the end of (Jupiter retrograde) this year, outlook may become positive from Dec 27, 2011 as far as finances are concerned. Lord Saturn will change its position on November 16, 2011 and will move to Libra indicates inflation will come down following which interest rates will not move up and may reduce after Dec 27, 2011 or whenever monetary review takes place in Jan 2012..