
Showing posts from October, 2012

Mars Conjunct Rahu in Scorpio, Venus in Leo-Action Packed Month

Mars, the planet of drive and power, has moved from Venus' sign Libra into his own water sign, Scorpio. Occupation of a sign that a planet rules gives that planet a good chance of operating at optimal levels. Mars is coming off a couple of difficult months in which his full expression of power has been limited. Limited by occupation of signs where he isn't at home, limited by association with Saturn and limited by three rounds of Kala Sarpa yoga. Mars in Scorpio with Rahu means, we should prepare ourselves to reset our power switches. Mars moving through Scorpio till November 8, 2012. I recommend using caution at this time. Mars as the agent for aggression and accidents coming into proximity with the fate-bringing nodal Rahu -Ketu axis could be a recipe for minor disasters especially due to the perception that the road is wide open after the end of Kala Sarpa and Mars' escape from the influence of Saturn, who greatly impedes the desire of Mars to lunge forward. ...

Pitra Paksha-the fortnight of the ancestors

Starting on the day of the full Moon (purnima), September 29, the observance of   Pitra Paksha  is being observed, continuing through the fortnight of the waning Moon and ending at the new Moon on October 15. Pitru Paksha means “ fortnight of the ancestors ” and the general idea is to honor the generations that have preceded you and departed from this world. The rituals and customs surrounding this giving of honor to the ancestors are quite complex and specific, but we can perhaps observe the idea in a simple way by remembering our ancestors and grandparents, especially by offering them a small portion of your food on a separate plate before you eat during this time. Feeding the hungry is another way of observing Pitru Paksha. Donations to food banks or offering a meal to a person in need are other options, especially on the final day of the observation, which is October 14, amavasya, the day leading up to the moment of the new Moon