Love Love Love Hua-Venus exalted, time to be in Love!
Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter remains in forward motion in Venus house "Taurus", moving through the degrees of Rohini nakshatra. Jupiter is completing his transit through Venus' earth sign and preparing to change signs to Gemini on May 30. Therefore, we have three more months of this Jupiter transit through Taurus. Since Jupiter rules positive growth and expansion, is currently in forward motion, and is unimpeded by any negative influences, this could be a really great period to move things forward in the realm of life that the sign of Taurus covers in your own birth chart. Providing a counterbalance even a little more than usual to this urge to grow and manifest inspired by Jupiter, Saturn is currently in retrograde motion through Venus' air sign, Libra (Relationships). Where Jupiter likes to grow, Saturn likes to limit; where Saturn is cautious, Jupiter is bravely hopeful. These two planets tend to play opposing roles as far as basic action goes. Saturn is contr...