
Showing posts from February, 2009

Changing colours of Bharat

India ’s got the blues again! Yes, both symbolically and colour-wise. Team India often seen as a very talented team, is very inconsistent despite top notch batsmen in the squad. Does the jersey colour has anything to do with our team's unpredictable performance? Possible, whether we are aware of it or not; colour plays an important part in our lives as it affects all our senses, sight, sound, smell, taste and feelings. Seeing colour can change our moods very effectively both on a conscious and an unconscious level, red for danger or white for peace. India has recently shifted to dark blue which may not be the right colour for India , though it is a cool colour, but not suitable for aggressive and competitive sports like cricket. As per the Vedic astrology, it is the colour of Rahu, the planet of sudden (hidden force) events. Therefore, to have a winsome personality, Ideally, India should wear Orange and use the name Bharat (adds to 15 number) which is more favorable than I...

India under astro lens-Where is India's Heading?

One the basis of India's independence day 15 August 1947 astrological chart the planetary dasha phase  (2009-2015) of lord Sun indicates various changes including politics.  Lets first look back at the times gone past since our independence. Here is how India's progress  journey unfolded.  1947 – 1965: SATURN MAHA DASHA-THE PERIOD OF HARDSHIPS-FOCUS ON BASIC PUBLIC WELFARE 1965- 1982: MERCURY MAHA DASHA -THE PERIOD OF CONSOLIDATION-FOCUS ON COMMERCE -TRADE,  BUSINESS, INDUSTRY,  BANKING  NATIONALIZATION 1982- 1988: KETU MAHA DASHA : PERIOD OF POLITICAL INSTABILITY & NATIONAL UNREST -FOCUS ON INTERNAL ISSUES-MISSED OUT ON ECONOMIC EXPANSIONS 1989 - 2009: VENUS MAHA DASHA -THE GOLDEN PERIOD, INDIA RISING STORY UNFOLDS-FOCUS ON ECONOMIC REFORMS, WORLDLY ASPIRATIONS, WOMEN EMPOWERMENT, SENSUALITY, ENTERTAINMENT, SATELLITE AND TELECOM Now lets see what may be unfoling in future as per different planetary dasha indic...

SlumDog in shinning India

Whether “Slumdog Millionaire” deserved the Oscar for best film or not, is surely a debatable issue. Is it still fashionable to sell Indian poverty at a time when millions of home owners in US are under the threat of eviction and the same lot is clamoring for rescue by the providential hand of the government? Back here in India , things are much better as no body is facing a similar threat of eviction (not even the people living in the slums in Mumbai, how dare some western stereotypes call us DOG?) even at the time when the so called developed nations are also struggling economically; India is still growing at a respectable level of about 7% GDP growth. Better leave it to great critics to discuss whether some Indian’s crave too much for international hype? However, as an artistic peace it may be welcomed particularly when the film has given Indian’s big reason to rejoice as $14 million “Slumdog Millionaire” a film based on Indian slum boy, that has won 8 Oscar awards and become th...

Financial markets may see a new bottom after mid-February-March 2009

The BSE ( Bombay stock exchange) Sensex after gaining about 975 points since 27 January 2009 seems to be heading downwards once again from tomorrow ( Feb 11, 2009 ) onwards. This could be on account of the after effect of “Satyam Saga” that led SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) to amend the clause 35 of listing agreement to incorporate pledged Share Declarations by the Promoters. In perspective, Sensex lost about 1660 points ( 7 January 2009 to 23 January 2009 ) after Satyam Scam unfolded all-of-a-sudden which in my sense was due to Rahu periods in Satyam's Chart. My Astro-research shows both Satyam Computer (established on 24 June 1987) and its Ex-Chairman- Ramlinga Raju (Born on 16 September 1955) are currently passing through Rahu (Maha dasa) periods which in astrology brings about sudden downfall as Rahu being the secret (hidden) force behind unethical acts of individuals. Rahu is conjunct with Mars in Raju’s horoscope which is 9th (destiny) from his moon (A...