Financial markets may see a new bottom after mid-February-March 2009

The BSE (Bombay stock exchange) Sensex after gaining about 975 points since 27 January 2009 seems to be heading downwards once again from tomorrow (Feb 11, 2009) onwards. This could be on account of the after effect of “Satyam Saga” that led SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) to amend the clause 35 of listing agreement to incorporate pledged Share Declarations by the Promoters.

In perspective, Sensex lost about 1660 points (7 January 2009 to 23 January 2009) after Satyam Scam unfolded all-of-a-sudden which in my sense was due to Rahu periods in Satyam's Chart.

My Astro-research shows both Satyam Computer (established on 24 June 1987) and its Ex-Chairman- Ramlinga Raju (Born on 16 September 1955) are currently passing through Rahu (Maha dasa) periods which in astrology brings about sudden downfall as Rahu being the secret (hidden) force behind unethical acts of individuals. Rahu is conjunct with Mars in Raju’s horoscope which is 9th (destiny) from his moon (Aries) sign.

Interestingly, he admitted his fraud exactly when moon was transiting in Aries on 7 January and got arrested when she received malefic aspect (drishti on Taurus sign) from Saturn in retrograding (punishing) mode. Jupiter being placed (since 10 Dec 08) uncomfortably (along with Rahu and business planet Mercury) at its weakest point means even the divine grace can not help such individuals in crisis.

Going forward astrologically, Sun will be in opposition to Saturn from 13 February 2009 to 14 March 2009, as the King of astrology transits in Aquarius sign. This indicates markets may bottom out further from the current (Sensex 9600) levels. There could be further problems/conflicts between government and masses, company management and their employees, father-son and heads of business/family and their subjects/subordinates/followers. etc. Situation will improve around mid of March 2009.

This planet alignment also means doing things the hard way is the core of the Sun-Saturn opposition, nothing good comes easily at such times as per Vedic astrology. As per earlier observations, corrections in financial markets in recent years have occurred around the time of Saturn's retro-grade station, and bottomed out around the time the Sun-Saturn opposition.

Saturn is currently placed (July 2007 to September 2009) uncomfortably in India’s fourth house that is related to one's home residence, domestic environments, automobile etc and hence Real-Estate. Needless to mention what the world have experienced after the housing sector and sub-prime meltdown.

Saturn is in Leo (now retrograde) means developments in some long term structures in life are on hold. Vital challenges to self expression are experienced. The people revolt against the leaders. But on the positive side this energy is that we know the work to be done and do it!

So during this time you may get drained, feel discouraged or apathetic and may become sick especially to parents. Existing conflicts may intensify while new conflicts are also on card.

This planetary influence suggests, If you are in a career or relationship that is not allowing you to grow and express yourself, it will probably not survive this transit. If, on the other hand, you have cleverly arranged your life to support your personal growth already, you may simply experience some serious fine-tuning. Planning and hard work need to be put towards achieving your true goals, which can only happen if you know them very clear. So it is also a good time to do some soul-searching.

According to several renowned astrologers people born under the Sun-Saturn opposition are either over-achievers or downtrodden victims. Those who rise to the best potential signified by this aspect are well-organized, ambitious and hard working despite all obstacles. In extreme, these qualities can lead to perfectionism, a destructive obsession to see that no flaws mar their work, their relationships, and their lives.

The Saturn return is a notoriously tough time, and the traditional texts even say worse. Some people under his scanner seem completely defeated by this aspect. It's as if everything in life is a crushing burden to them.

If you do not have a strong Jupiter in your chart or Sun/Jupiter aspects, you may be prone to depression or a tendency to look at the dark side of things. This is a good time to finally make the necessary changes to eliminate negativity and develop a cheerful outlook. The God's purpose of such transit (planetary alignment) is not to bring us down, but to test the commitments we made over the past several years, even births! Unfortunately, more often most of us do not learn life's deep lessons in a gentle way specially when we are happy in the world. We generally only learn when we are suffering!

Therefore, we need be prudent and honest in whatever we do. This month everyone needs to be careful, specially around 13, 24, ( don't ignore 17 and 26) February.


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