Planetary transits & Out -Look -November-2008

Planetary transits November-2008 – According to Indian Vedic Astrology Sun enters Scorpio on 16th Nov., Mars enters Scorpio on 8th Nov., and Mercury enters Scorpio on 20th Nov., Venus enters Sagittarius On 8th Nov 2008. No change for Jupiter (Sagittarius) , Saturn (Leo), Rahu (Capricorn) and Ketu (Cancer

General Indications: November will relatively be slow and steady month compared to October 2008. Global markets may find a steady foothold from the 1st of November and thereafter from the 16th of November 2008. Overall the outlook remains negative. Overall economic scenarios may change again by mid December 2008 as Jupiter will enter Capricorn on December 12, 2008 and will stay there for a year. Jupiter in the debilitation sign indicates lot of worry and hurdles for the in -genuine and dishonest people. They will get exposed for sure. Come 2009, over all testing times are on the horizon.

Positive month for Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces born people

Average month for Virgo and Libra

Difficult month for Taurus, Cancer and Sagittarius

Planets indicate unexpected and sudden gains in career. Level of luck would be positive throughout, while a lot of new opportunities could come up out of the blue, which could bring a few vibrant opportunities in career. Love life, for the singles would be promising but without getting any serious results. Desires and passions would be high but without any action. Love life, for those in a relationship, would be positive. There will be a vibrant and positive phase but without much progress. Some amount of ego and pressures could spoil certain things by the end of the month.
Your mind would remain worried and unsteady, low on confidence mostly. Although there would be unsteady thought patterns in the first part of the month but there would be some amount of stability thereafter. Luck would not be that shiny and bright this month. You will feel pressures in domestic matters due to your rough language and shrewd behavior. There are strong chances of obtaining gains in the second half of the month. Condition will improve gradually. Money matters would be positive. However liquidity could get shortened and you might feel some temporary crunch regarding flow of money. Love life would not be that rosy. Desires and passion will be very high. Verbal conflict and controversy might mar your peace of mind. You need to be quite cautious as far as your relations are concerned
This month would be an encouraging month for you. However, you could feel disoriented and experience unsteady thought patterns due to negativity that clouded your mind in the recent past. Major & sudden moves should be avoided to maintain the stability of reputation. Career would be positive, as there would be many opportunities still in association and partnership. You will find joint avenues of work as well as overseas opportunities quite positive.. Money matters would be positive, although outflow of funds due to unexpected reasons and sources would make you disappointed. There are strong chances of purchase of real estate or a vehicle around 18th November. Love life, for those in a relationship, would be very passionate but aggressive too. There could be misunderstanding and distances, which will create controversy in love life
Planets indicate certain challenges this month. The anxious phase of previous months would extend this month too. Major decisions should be avoided since you are going through some unsteady thought patterns. A new person could be on the horizon or might come into your life very shortly. This will change the equations around you soon. You need to be sensitive to these developments. Control your speech to keep everyone happy around yourself. Keep away from bad comment on others as it could boomerang on you. There will be gains from family members. Love life would be upbeat this month. Difficult but exciting trends are also indicated. You would be the object of affections and desires. Your attraction quotient would be quite high.

New avenues in work and social life will keep on coming up. Career prospects would be quite positive. Money matters would be positive, although minor liquidly hassles and worry will be there. There would be expansion in new work areas this month. Your standing in community life would rise and the contact base and public recognition will become upbeat. Money matters would be positive throughout. Apart from some fluctuation, overall monetary status will be good. Unforeseen expanses and investment could create monetary pressures around in the beginning of the month. New investment should be avoided totally as that could cause loss of money overall. Love life will be exciting. You need to be cautious of your speech and written communication
This will be an average month for you. There would be a respite from stress and worry. Buy thinking could be impulsive and perplexed at home. Avoid major decisions till end of the month. Career would be a point of spotlight and focus. Despite so much attention, not much progress or move forward in career is probable this month. Money matters would be good throughout. Old investments will give good gains this month. But fresh speculation and gambling should be avoided for financial prosperity. There will be domestic peace and improvement in family life with spouse. Some differences of opinion could erupt which might be unresolved and come back later. Love life would be difficult.
Planets indicate good amount of progress in all areas pursued by you. Career would be better than the last two months. There would not be a clear direction however in work area. Position in work will improve now due to hard work and better networking. Money matters would be good throughout. Family matters would be average mostly. You will have family matters in your mind, although there would not be much time and energy to devote more time. Love life would be exciting and happy. Others will be attracted towards you a great deal owing to a higher level of sex appeal. Avoid ego issues to stay away from controversies.
November would be a very positive month for you. You will feel sustained and blessed with gains this month, although overall a slowdown could be experienced later. You could sometimes feel low on energy and confidence. Money matters will turn positive. Career will experience a shift from the current position. Family matters would be positive overall. This is a good month overall for relationships. You will feel fulfilled due to family life and support. Singles may find love matters a bit difficult after 8th November. Engaged ones would be happy, stable and contented.. Avoid verbal conflict to earn negativity from your near and dear ones.
iusThis would be a good month for you. You will cover as much ground and also enhance your learning. Career is in a positive and highly active. But somewhat fluctuations will be seen by the mid of the month. By the end of the month, positive and gainful trends would operate.. Investments should be handled with care. Old speculative investments should be reviewed and cashed if possible by the 18th November 2008. New investments should be avoided. You will gain in status as well as income. A slight plunge in work environment as well as equations within the team could come up in the later part of the month. Avoid conflict with your superiors. Love life will be quite positive this month. Your social life will stay upbeat and cheerful.
This month you will remain fixed and inflexible in different perspectives. There might be certain issues that may affect certain deals and transactions. Career would see a phase of vitality as well as some amount of hurdles in work environment. There will be multiple influences which will bring opportunities. Money matters would be below average, although inflows would be good. There would be an underlying pressure in money matters. Investment should be handled with utmost care. Love life will be difficult mostly. If married, this month will be much happier than the past two months. There would be some underlying resentment though. Conflicting trends would operate. Avoid controversy and negative thoughts for concerning your work partners as well as life partner during this month..
Planets indicate November would be an average month for you. There will be tendency for higher than normal expenses and a steady rise in overheads. Stay cautious about increasing expenses for a secure future. Career would be positive this month but will see some account of worry and over fear in job environment.. Luck would rise and it would bring in success from domestic as well as foreign sources. Gains would be good in the beginning of the month. Job personals will experience some unexpected situations and a dip in overall work equation. A certain amount of annoyance with job and superiors will be felt by you. You should avoid such negative thoughts. Love life will be average mostly. Positive and happy trends point towards a new friendship towards the end of the month. Possibility of marriage is on the card while married one will focus on spouse higher than previous times.
Planets indicate average month for you. A period of stress and worry in the last two months would end now. This month will also see a higher than ordinary interaction and involvement with friends. A positive period, career would be in a developing mode although some amount of hurdles can not be ruled out. Money matter will be good. Investments would be gainful too. Money matters overall would see pressures as good money could be wasted. You need to control your own wastefulness as well as that of spouse. Family life will see hurdles and pressures due to wrong speech and misdirected anger. This is not a positive month for domestic issues hence avoid verbal conflict. Love life for those in a relationship could experience hurdles & stress. There might be some undercurrent of resentment. Wrong speech & some controversy could increase pressure after the 19th November 2008 if you are not careful.


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