
Showing posts from August, 2010

Sun Enters Leo: Time to Power up your Life !

Leo (Lion) is the power sign that makes leaders, kings and ultimately, the rulers. On August 17 the royal planet Sun transits to Leo, and stays there for 30 days. Sun rules 4th house, that represents peace in India's astro chart, hence its transit in Leo will bring peace, progress and purification. Lord Sun is the power behind the entire Universe and it determines our highest potential in life. He represents your 3C's - Courage, Confidence and Charisma. He is considered as the king among the planets and Leo governs kings, presidents, and leaders in all fields. Leo is also the natural 5th house of the Zodiac and indicates entrepreneurship. Sun is said to be at home when He is in Leo, since it is the sign ruled by Him. Whenever a planet transits into its own sign, it emits powerful and extravagant energies. Sun in Leo lends immense energy for your leadership aspirations and independent pursuits. Moreover, the first day of the transit (August 17) coincides with Vishnup...

Stock Markets may move northwards from Aug 18

Venus Debilitates in Virgo, Safeguard your Love Needs and Inner Peace!

Venus is currently debilitated in Virgo till September 1, 2010. This is not a productive sign for Venus to dwell in, as it would have adverse impact on your love life and relationships. At this point of time, you may be feeling an emotional gap with your romantic partner letting room for arguments and cold wars. When Venus is power packed, you attract beautiful people and have great rapport with them; when debilitated, you feel lonesome and inhabit boredom. What is in Store for YOUR Sign? Venus rules the signs Taurus and Libra; so, its debilitation will cast most of its bad effects on these signs. Pisces, Aries, and Scorpio are likely to enjoy moderate benefits in this period and "neutral period" for Gemini, Capricorn, Leo, Aquarius and Virgo indicated. Venus portrays love, relationship with opposite sex and luxury, which are very powerful elements for bringing wholeness to our lives. According to the myths, Venus is the Roman name for the Goddess of love and beauty -- her Gr...