Sun Enters Leo: Time to Power up your Life !

Leo (Lion) is the power sign that makes leaders, kings and ultimately, the rulers. On August 17 the royal planet Sun transits to Leo, and stays there for 30 days. Sun rules 4th house, that represents peace in India's astro chart, hence its transit in Leo will bring peace, progress and purification. Lord Sun is the power behind the entire Universe and it determines our highest potential in life. He represents your 3C's - Courage, Confidence and Charisma.

He is considered as the king among the planets and Leo governs kings, presidents, and leaders in all fields. Leo is also the natural 5th house of the Zodiac and indicates entrepreneurship.

Sun is said to be at home when He is in Leo, since it is the sign ruled by Him. Whenever a planet transits into its own sign, it emits powerful and extravagant energies.

Sun in Leo lends immense energy for your leadership aspirations and independent pursuits. Moreover, the first day of the transit (August 17) coincides with Vishnupati, a day when the deity of sustenance Lord Vishnu fully supports your material progress.

The energy from the Sun is absorbed within us through the 'Gamma Rays'. These rays are, simply, the light from the Sun that does no harm to your physical body but brings in higher vibrations to your subtle body.

These are the most potent rays available to our higher minds, and enable us to unfold our most commanding selves. During this transit, the Gamma Rays are even more powerful to raise us to the royalty consciousness. Hence, this is the time you will experience increased energy and positivity in your life for achieving your most important goals.All the best!


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