
Showing posts from September, 2010

Sun-Saturn conjuction in Virgo -Time to convert Common Wealth shame into National pride"

If you look at our past, every crisis has forced us to reform our systems and thereby helped us to grow and learn. In the same way, common wisdom says INDIA will emerge stronger provided the government takes the appropriate steps to make Common Wealth Games (CWCs) a Grand success. Now that the PM has taken over the responsibility personally, I am confident that "Common Wealth shame" will be converted into a National pride'. More so i feel Sun (King) transiting with Saturn(Justice) in Virgo, a sign that represents perfection, will also help India severely punish the individuals who brought down the pride of our Nation! Even if you just look at our history, India needed a big crisis in the past to enter into the next level to get global appreciation. For example, when India was facing acute food crisis in 1960s, C Subramanian brought 'Green Revolution' and self sufficiency in food. When India pledged its gold openly in early 1990s, to resolve fin...

Mars Moves to Libra- Time for Revolutionary Changes

On September 5, Mars moves into Libra for 45 days untill October 18, 2010. It is being said in the astrology world that this is going to be period of revolutionary changes. These changes may be personal, relationship-oriented, or community-based, it may affect nations and even have global significance, but whatever is about to occur will probably be historical and memorable. Mars isn't comfortable in Libra, according to astrological tradition. Libra is the sign of Mars' detriment, opposite its natural home in Aries. This means that Mars is considered weak in Libra, because it can not operate in its most natural way. However, modern astrologers recognize that a planet in unfamiliar territory presents unique opportunities, not just challenges. When disparate elements such as spontaneity and strategy, individuality and co-operation or action and reflection meet, the mix is combustible, but very powerful. Those able to harness these seeming contradictions can gain the strengths of...

India may be forced to face a war during Rahu Sub phase Nov 2010-Oct 2011

India will have to be very careful during Sun -Rahu period from 6 Nov 2010 to Oct 2011. The country may be forced to wage a war due to increasing external threats or there could be serious internal /external disturbances. The logic is if you look at India's past experiences from Jyotish perspective, you will find a very close correlation between corresponding astrological patterns and disturbing events occurring period after period over the last six decades. Rahu Connection India was born at a time (00.00am on15.8.47) when Rahu, the most dreaded planet was transiting in Taurus, India's ascendant sign forming dangerous "Kaal Sarep dosha". This indicates most troublesome periods indicating wide spread violence, bloodshed and separation. For 18 months during 1947-48 Rahu was transiting in India's 1st house. More than one million people were believed to have been murdered by violence following India-Pakistan partition. We also lost our beloved Father of Nation, M...

Venus moves to LIBRA-Time to Nurture Relationsips!

Venus, the planet of love, art, beauty, moves to its own sign Libra on September 1, 2010 and will stay in this pleasure sign till 1 Jan 2011. She normally stays 28 days in a particular Zodiac , however, this one is an exception ,and going forward next 120 days will bring about a great change in your personal relationships. Love Guru Venus will be retrograde from October 9 to November 18, 2010 and may turn things upside down. She can make you look better than you imagined on your good day and take away anything that makes you stand out the next day. This benevolent planet can turn a wallflower into a diva and just as easy can make a divine beauty appear to be a dull dame. Appearances are not everything as Venus also rules art and love and way we express our deepest feelings or hide beneath the surface are also influenced by her intense energy. For some signs of the zodiac, this means you will look great and have partnership magnetism that will propel a romance your way. For other...