Sun-Saturn conjuction in Virgo -Time to convert Common Wealth shame into National pride"

If you look at our past, every crisis has forced us to reform our systems and thereby helped us to grow and learn. In the same way, common wisdom says INDIA will emerge stronger provided the government takes the appropriate steps to make Common Wealth Games (CWCs) a Grand success. Now that the PM has taken over the responsibility personally, I am confident that "Common Wealth shame" will be converted into a National pride'. More so i feel Sun (King) transiting with Saturn(Justice) in Virgo, a sign that represents perfection, will also help India severely punish the individuals who brought down the pride of our Nation!

Even if you just look at our history, India needed a big crisis in the past to enter into the next level to get global appreciation. For example, when India was facing acute food crisis in 1960s, C Subramanian brought 'Green Revolution' and self sufficiency in food. When India pledged its gold openly in early 1990s, to resolve financial crisis and balance of payment, PV Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singhji brought in 'Economic reforms' and we reformed the our financial system and improved on all our resources.

When the Election Commission was facing crisis, TN Seshan Ji showed the powers of Election Commission to set right the irregularities. When many Trade Unions opposed computerization in financial institutions in 1990s, N Vittal Ji, then Central Vigilance Commissioner, enforced all the banks to introduce technology with his one signature.

When the developed nations refused space technology and engines to India, after Pokran I, the team under the leadership of Dr Kalamji started developing our own indigenous technology and machines for space. Now, we are one of the top countries in space technology in the world.

When crisis deepened about the customer grievances in Banks and Insurance, Ombudsman Schemes were introduced to resolve the disputes quickly. Similarly, RTI Act, Right to Education Act, IT Act, declaration of assets by ministers and judges were all introduced due to one crisis or other.

Therefor as we know India has always been resilient, be it reservation issue, Ayodhya issue, communal clashes, natural calamity, etc. We have always emerged stronger following a crisis. Every crisis has taught us great lessons and those learning's should not be forgotten. So i am confident, after the CWGs are completed successfully, the Government will initiate legal action and punish those who brought shame to the nation . Only then, such shameful activities will not recur! Otherwise and if the present Government fails to perform its duty , it may fall soon and the Congress Party will have a bad luck for the next 30 years! May this crisis be a blessing in Disguise for India! We need to learn to cheer even in bad times such as these!Cheers...


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