Stars indicate Mid-term polls in India 2012-13
The year 2012 will be ruled by combined and auspicious force of Jupiter (Number 3) and Mercury (number 5). Business, trade, commerce, marketing and communications will be the key focus areas which will get priority and maximum attention (news) in 2012. Stars indicate first half of 2012 may continue to be difficult due to retrograding Mars and Saturn, while second half of 2012 will be rewarding. We may witness global economic recovery and financial growth after Jupiter moves to Taurus on May 17, 2012 and Saturn moves to Libra on Aug 4, 2012. The English New Year chart as per Hindu astrology at the Sun rise on January 1 forms a favorable planetary configuration in general with Sagittarius Sun in the ascendant and Venus in the second, Moon in the fourth, Jupiter in the 5 th , Ketu in the 7 th , Mars in the 9 th house, Saturn in the 11 th and Rahu -Mercury in the12 th house . Sun represents Leadership and Government, the auspicious 9th aspect of Jupiter on Sun will he...