Stars indicate Mid-term polls in India 2012-13

The year 2012 will be ruled by combined and auspicious force of Jupiter (Number 3) and Mercury (number 5).  Business, trade, commerce, marketing and communications will be the key focus areas which will get priority and maximum attention (news) in 2012. Stars indicate first half of 2012 may continue to be difficult due to retrograding Mars and Saturn, while second half of 2012 will be rewarding. We may witness global economic recovery and financial growth after Jupiter moves to Taurus on May 17, 2012 and Saturn moves to Libra on Aug 4, 2012.

The English New Year chart as per Hindu astrology at the Sun rise on January 1 forms a favorable planetary configuration in general with Sagittarius Sun in the ascendant and Venus in the second, Moon in the fourth, Jupiter in the 5th, Ketu in the 7th, Mars in the 9th house, Saturn in the 11th and Rahu -Mercury in the12th house . 

Sun represents Leadership and Government, the auspicious 9th aspect of Jupiter on Sun will help the government and leaders in troubled times. However, the 3rd and 7th aspect of Saturn on Sun, 7th aspect on Jupiter indicates too many troubles for the individuals in leadership and high positions.

After 2.5 years transit in Virgo (food industry) Lord Shani (Saturn) moved to Libra ( Relationships, Trade, Banking & Finance) on Nov 15th 2011, since then we have seen the positive changes have begun to happen as far as prices of food items are concerned. The positive impact of Saturn is quite evident by the recent pause in interest rate hike by RBI in the latest monetary review. Food inflation has dropped to 6-year low of 0.42% as per December 29 data. Saturn in Libra is at its best in terms of rewarding people for their hard work and good deeds.

So those who were suffering for the last 7.5 years due to Shani Sade Sati must have been experiencing good relief after their Sade sati ended on 15th November 2011 and going forward you will continue to reap good results for your hard work.  However, Individuals whose moon signs is Aries (problems Relationships, partnerships, spouse), Cancer (problems in Career, for parents, accidents), Virgo (Money, Family problems), Libra (Health problems, frustrations and depression) and Scorpio (Losses, high expenses related problems) Sagittarius (Delays in gains, problem with friends) and Pisces ( hidden problems, losses, debt, accidents, diseases) may phase long delays, hurdles, difficulties and problems.

 Saturn by nature is a negative and the slowest moving planet; as a result there are often lots of delays, hurdles and great lessons to be learnt in our life during his influence on us. Now that he is in  Libra, the sign of balance, relationships, money, banking, finances, trade, politics and Law for the next 3 years, we can expect slow down and negativity in these areas, specially from 8th Feb 2012 to 26 June 2012 as Saturn will be retrograde and will make life difficult for leaders, heads and politicians.  

Among the planets Saturn is a leader of opposition as he represents masses and lends his support to those who help marginalized and poor people. So invisibly Saturn is the key force behind mass movements and agitations. Stars indicate opposition will keep the government under constant pressure in the next 2.5 years. There is a high possibility of No-Confidence motion moving against the government, especially during the 2012 budget session of the parliament.

India will go through Saturn sub periods in Sun maha dasha from 28 May 2012 to 23 June 2013 indicates strong possibility of increased resentment, anti-government sentiments among masses and there could be mid-term general elections in India during this phase. 

Mars who rules fire, power, courage, risk, battles, war, anger, police, armed and security forces is transiting in fire sign Leo from 31 Oct 2011 and ever since we have witnessed many fire related accidents. Mars will be retrograde too from Jan 24th to April 15th indicates to much aggression, heavy use and miss use of power, armed forces weapons, arms; ammunition by government and people in power. As a result mass protests and agitations may be held to oppose such actions which may lead to violence during this period. There may be increased risk of fire related accidents, earthquakes, battles, agitations till June 22, 2012 specially regions in east-north and west. People with Leo, Scorpion, Capricorn and Taurus signs must be careful.

Sun will be in opposition to Mars from February 15, 2012 to March 14, 2012 and from April 15 to May 16  he will be opposite to Saturn, indicates big problems for the government and leaders may get into many needless controversies due to wrong speeches, doings, increased egos and struggle for power.  

Saturn will move back to Virgo on May 16 and stay in this sign till Aug 4, 2012 indicates food industry and grocery business, labor, work and insurance market may be heavily impacted once again, agitations and movements may take place. Mars will also move to Virgo on June 22 may add fuel to the fire leading to full blown battles. Mercury will be retrograde from July 16 to August 8, 2012 indicates high inflation and rising prices of food items may become a key concern for the economy once again for the short term.. 

Jupiter, the most auspicious planet that rules global affairs, your spirituality, wisdom, knowledge and expansions will move to Taurus on May 17, 2011 which may bring good luck and cheers for the agriculture, farming sectors, investors and banking and financial markets. Stock markets may move in positive directions following the positive expectation of high economic growth going forward. Jupiter represents Global Economy and is indicator of big picture; hence there very good chances of Global economy taking a positive turn in the second half of 2012.

Saturn will move to Libra on August 4, 2012, ending the Sade Saathi for Leo resulting in big relief for people in power, governments and politicians.  This transit will bring balance to humanity resulting in improved economic conditions for masses and poor people, less resentment and agitations.

Mars and Saturn will be conjunct (together) again in Libra from 14 August 2012  to 28 September 2012 indicates huge trouble for rulers, government, politicians and leaders! From Sept 28 Mars will transit in  Scorpio (Own Sign) along with Rahu indicates political and administrative uncertainty.  

Rahu is currently transiting in Scorpio till December 24, 2012 indicates instability, unfolding of untoward events and sudden mysteries in the north ; southern regions and for those who has these moon signs -Scorpions, Taurions, Librans, Sagittarians, and Arians.



 Wish you a very happy and prosperous new year!


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