Sun, Mars , Mercury turn strong-इन राशियों को होगा जबरदस्त लाभ

This year, there is still no reduction in the trouble caused by Corona virus for the whole world. Our country is also not isolated by this deadly pandemic and Covid-19 cases are increasing continuously in the country. However, the zodiac changes of Sun, Mars and Mercury on August 16-17, are creating a very special Subha Yoga.  After a long time, Sun, Mars, Guru, Saturn are transiting in their own zodiac signs. This transit will be very special for Leo, Aries and Sagittarius signs in the next 30 days.

                   For detailed predictions please watch the video 

As I said earlier in my posts, that in the middle of August, there will be a better time for most of the zodiac signs and to some extent the corona cases may get reduced and the recovery rate can become better. The trails for treatment for Covid19 may be successful. However, it is also possible that the disease may disappear after September 24 on its own just like Spanish flu and SAARS due to positive planetary influence

Mercury planet will enter Leo on August 17, 2020. Mercury will remain in the planet Leo zodiac till 2 September. This combination of Mercury and Leo will create Budhaditya Yoga. It will turn retrograde on 14th October in Libra, from where it will turn direct on 03rd November 2020 and then move into the sign of Scorpio on 28th November 2020. During this phase Mercury retrograde for 21 days you might experience some delays, obstacles, confusion in your life.

Mars, the Commander-in-Chief amongst the Navagraha (nine planets) is considered to be the significator of land, brother, might, and courage. This Mars transit in Aries will influence each sign of the zodiac cycle diversely. Mars will turn retrograde on 10 September  and on 4 October will return to the zodiac sign Pisces. It will then turn direct once again, on 14 November and on 24 December will reenter Aries.

 When the Sun is in the third, sixth, tenth and ninth house from any zodiac or lagna house, it gives very good fruit, in the lagna, fifth and ninth, moderate and bad results are received in the second, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house. Is, mixed fruit is received in self-worship, friend or higher zodiac.

These Zodiac changes of Sun, Mercury and Mars are beneficial for people ruled Leo, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces signs.

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