
Showing posts from December, 2008

2009 outlook in short

Over all the year 2009 will be an emotional year. The digits add up to number (2+0+0+9) 11, the auspicious master number ruled by Moon. Number 9 in numerology and nine in 2009 being the number ruled by red planet "Mars" the lord of War or the commander in chief himself, signifies youthfulness, courage, warmth, energy, passion, power position, ego, adventure, anger and aggression. Which means, this year the actions or events could be aimed at the extreme levels. Existing conflicts may get intensified further. Mars and Moon is not a best combination in terms of relationships or partnerships however, the combination signifies a powerful Lakshmi Yog in Astrology. So hopefully, money matters may turnout to be good! (in spite of recession!) expect heavy or very low rain fall this year. 2008 was ruled by Sun as the total add up to 10 (1) while 8 is ruled by Saturn. There is no synergy between the two according to Indian mythology. Even though lord Saturn is a son of lord ...

Saturn Retrogrades from Dec 31 to 17 May 2009

There are several important planetary influences shaping our journey in 2009. The most significant would be Saturn turning retrograde from 31 December 2008 to 17 May 2009 . Saturn, In Indian mythology is the lord of justice, therefore his turning retrograde is probably the least pleasant influence around. Saturn is a hard-nosed; no-nonsense disciplinarian himself. He teaches us about responsibility and claiming our authority in the world, a class many of us would rather skip. Needless to say, this kind of discipline and skill is very useful later, even though the cycle itself is rough to get through. Therefore, during its backward movement there will be further slow down in the normal rate of activity so that better methods and strategies can be developed. He tends to bring a lot of depression to the person being tested. He/she would face losses, delay or denials in new projects and health problems. It can also affect peace of mind and make a person emotionally unstable. We n...

26 January 2009 -Time to be on Alert

A s mention earlier in my article "26/11: India under astro lens" number 26 seems unlucky for India , particularly for Mumbai. The city has gone through some of the most tragic experiences on a day involving number 26 (8) such as 26/7/2005, Floods in Mumbai killed more than 1000 people, 11/7/2006, s even bomb blasts occurred at various places on the Suburban Railway, killing over 200 and injuring more than 300. And now the 26/11, the biggest terror attack on India . Astrologically speaking, the digit in these dates adds up to number 8 & 2. The total of 26.11.2008 adds up to 20 while 26 January 2009 also add up to 20, both the dates involve 26 (8) number, (the number ruled by Saturn) and additions of all digits involve number two (20 ), the number ruled by moon. On Jan 26, 2009 , Moon (Amavas) will be transiting in Capricorn (earthy sign) along with Jupiter, Rahu, Sun, Mercury with Mars just a day away. These five planets transiting together in one zodiac sign indica...

26 December 2008 outlook

New moon begins in Scorpio at about 3 pm on December 26, 2008. Moon will then transit to Sagittarius at about 5.30 pm. Last month on 26th as i said in my earlier article " 26/11 : India under astro lens " Sun, Moon, mercury and Mars coming together indicates bad times. this time moon will mostly (54 hrs) be in fire sign Sagittarius. Stars indicate difficult day for Sagittarius born natives. We need to be careful of fire related accidents and explosives etc, specially those traveling long distances in the next 30-40 days. 26 December is the day of India's MOST WANTED MAN on as he turns 54 there might be some bad news for him around the corner. His date of birth adds up to 30. 26 December 2008 adds up to 21, 2+1 adds up to three. number 3 is ruled by Jupiter who is weak at the moment and is placed with Rahu. Surprisingly, he is also passing through Jupiter-Rahu period up to June 2009. Last year on 27 December late Mrs B. Bhutto was assassinated by terrorists. 27 add...

India -England 2nd Test -Outlook

First day Outlook of the match: Numerology-19.12.2008 (19+12+2008=23) 2+3+5-five is ruled by Mercury, India's 5th house (sports) lord Mercury is placed along with Sun in the 8th house-Not good. India's 8th house sign (Sagittarius) is rising at the time of toss -Not good. Moon will be in Virgo (U Phalguni Nakshtra) , this is also not so good. Toss-England yet again??? :) I don't have their chart. First three days does not look good. In the last test Moon in Dhoni's chart was in 10th 11th house in the first three & half days wasn't good as it is 12th house (losses) lord in his case. on the last day it was in its own sign Cancer (india's 3rd house) with Ketu the faceless planet indicating hidden gains-historical win for India. In Sachin's case it was in 10th house (Karma, Recognition, Achievement) own house-so good. why cant we have matches when Sachin's 10th house lord is transiting in its own house.... 2nd & 3rd Day out look: Moon still...

How to make Kismat Konnection

Relationship is fundamental to human life. It is because man is a social animal. You will be terribly bored if you are alone. We are not born to be lonely. We all want relationships of some sort with the individuals or groups that we deal with. But then there are challenges in every relationship as we are unaware of what we want, what we like, what turns you on and visa versa….here is small guide that will help you understand how people born under different zodiac sign has different hot buttons….. Aries : The fiery sign of Aries is all about passion and action. If you want to score huge points with an Aries, appeal to their drive and to their spirit of competition. So Always be a challenge. Enjoy an active lifestyle .Be physically fit. Have lots of energy. Have a passion in life and DON'T be too easy, lethargic, indirect or indecisive .Don’t stand in their way or admit that they have won you over. Lack passion or energy is the killer. Taurus : The earthy sign of Taurus ...

13 December 2008-astro Outlook

Saturday 13.12.2008 total digits in the date add up to 17 13 adds up to 4 17 adds up to 8 Number 4 is ruled by Rahu and 8 is ruled by Saturn. while number 4 indicates dangers, sudden developments or events; number 8 indicates problems, delays and difficulties. Saturday is ruled by Saturn who is transiting Leo. Moon will be transiting in Gemini, India's 2nd house. India's 1st house (Taurus) is receiving aspect (drishti) by six planets Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu and Saturn at the moment. Ketu placed in Cancer. This indicates all eyes on India for time being.

Great Questions-Insightful Answers-Profound Wisdom

1. What is the most ancient of all religions? "It is said that the worship of the sun or light is the oldest of all religious doctrines. From the sun comes the visualizing ray which directly or indirectly nourishes and sustains all things that we see. It will be the last of all religions, also, for eternally the true student must seek the light which alone can dispel the darkness of ignorance. When the student realizes that within his own being is this great sun life, he will understand more clearly the words of the One. Within us burns this Light and when we purify our beings so that it may shine through, the mystery of religion is solved. As the sun nourishes the solar system, so the spiritual sun nourishes and gives expression and liberation to the consciousness within ourselves." – 2. What is the true object of all the Wisdom Teachings? "Their purpose is to show man his true position in the great plan of creation. They explain to the student the responsibilit...

Jupiter Transits to Capricorn-Test of character!!!

Jupiter, the "Good Luck" planet, is the largest planet in our solar system and it takes approximately 1 year for him to transit into a new constellation (Zodiac). It is the most benign planet in our Solar System and that’s why transits of Jupiter are carefully watched in Vedic Astrology to understand where fortune or misfortune will next come. On December 10, 2008 the Jupiter transits into his debilitation point , the sign of Capricorn. This is Jupiter's weakest point and the usually benign energy will be less easy to come by. This time Jupiter will transit in Capricorn along with Rahu. This is a rare phenomenon, scriptures mention that Rahu associated with debilitated planet brings progressive results. However, at the same time we need to be careful as It might also bring misfortune for some people. We need to be careful specially, around January 26, 2009 as new moon and solar eclipse will occur in Capricorn. As a result negative impact may be felt. Lord Satu...