Great Questions-Insightful Answers-Profound Wisdom

1. What is the most ancient of all religions?

"It is said that the worship of the sun or light is the oldest of all religious doctrines. From the sun comes the visualizing ray which directly or indirectly nourishes and sustains all things that we see. It will be the last of all religions, also, for eternally the true student must seek the light which alone can dispel the darkness of ignorance.

When the student realizes that within his own being is this great sun life, he will understand more clearly the words of the One. Within us burns this Light and when we purify our beings so that it may shine through, the mystery of religion is solved. As the sun nourishes the solar system, so the spiritual sun nourishes and gives expression and liberation to the consciousness within ourselves." –

2. What is the true object of all the Wisdom Teachings?

"Their purpose is to show man his true position in the great plan of creation. They explain to the student the responsibilities of life, and, through the knowledge that they give him, prepare him for the Great Work that awaits all when their days of schooling are over." -

3. Why is there so much unrest in the world?

"The majority of humans spend most of their time and energy trying to find someone or something to blame for their unhappiness, and therefore never seek within themselves the things that will improve them and their lives." -

4. What is the greatest enemy of failure?

"Action. Wherever action exists growth is taking place. Though the action itself may seem destructive, through it the spirit is learning a lesson." -

Comment: It is better to move and error than to stand stagnate. You cannot learn by standing still. How can we learn if we do nothing? Any action is better than no action at all. Make decisions. Move. Act. Do! Get off your ass! Be a Doer!

5. What is success?

"Success is the perfect adjustment of the individual consciousness with the prenatal plan which it prepared and earned before its entrance into this life. A successful person is one who masters every unpleasant condition and obstacle. All advancement over existing conditions is success; all stagnation or backsliding is failure. (Your) Future experiences (will) depend upon (your) present actions." -

6. What is the soul?

"The soul is a body built by the thoughts, actions and desires of human life, which weave a garment according to their quality. Later this garment becomes the vehicle of consciousness for the spirit, for within it are incorporated all the growth of the lower bodies." -

7. Who is God ?

"God (as He is now generally understood), man, and the universe are various stages in the concrete manifestation of the Absolute. The God we know is the individualized part of the Unknowable One who through the unfolding of consciousness, had become the ruling spiritual intelligence of a solar system. Man is eternally making adjustments of bodies within to planes of consciousness without, and God is relatively perfect on a plane of consciousness where man as yet has not evolved vehicles of expression." -

Comment: The question should really read: 'What is God?' In any case, the key word here is: consciousness. There are several planes of consciousness; Each one of us reside on our own plane, which is directly proportional to our level of spiritual awareness, or consciousness. The great prophet Jesus said: "The Kingdom of God is within you." Repeat, 'within you.' Also within us is the teacher, the greatest teacher we will ever know called: "the Higher Self." God lives in us. We are God. We are all God, little Gods in the great spiritual Plan. Search Within. Elevate your consciousness and open the door to your "Higher Self" and you will see.

The idea that God is an individual Supreme Being with a big white beard sitting on a throne inside pearly gates is the creation of Man's ignorant imagination. God is living in everything, everywhere. God is the Eternal life-energy source that lives in all things everywhere throughout all universes.

8. What is adjustment?

"Adjustment is the arranging or balancing of things into harmony one with the other." -

9. What is God's plan for human development?

"Harmonious adjustments with ever rarer and finer planes of consciousness. The so-called Master is one who has made adjustments with planes of existence the average individual is not aware of. The degree of the Initiate's unfoldment depends upont the fineness of those adjustments." -

Comment: It's all about consciousness, repeat, consciousness! The Master here is not referring to God but one who has elevated his or her consciousness to a higher plane of existence that most people are unaware of. Most people go through life with no idea that such planes of consciousness even exist. What are these planes of consciousness? How many are there?

10. What is Man's true position in the universe?

"He is, according to the ancient poets, 'twixt heaven and hell' - half way between the perfect consciousness and absolute negation. He should stand in the center of his spiritual and intellectual world, drawing towards himself from all extremities of the universe the powers that he needs, but always remaining true to his own center and never identifying himself with any of the tangents." -

Comment: The great prophet Buddha told us to walk the middle of the Path. Get it?

11. What does Man carry with him from life to life?

"His consciousness, and upon the seed atoms of his various bodies the records of every thought, action and desire which have animated his being. These form the basis of karmic payments and future growth and unfoldment, and they will remain until he has absorbed all of these experiences into his soul." -

Comment: Most of us, if not everyone, live our life with no conscious thought that our present thoughts, actions and desires will detemine our (many) futures. If we knew this simple truth, do you think we would think, act and feel differently each and every day? Think about it.

12. What is the great adjustment humanity must make?

"The adjustment of the Self and the not-Self. This is the result of the development of the mind which becomes a neutral field - a universal solvent - in which the opposites of consciousness are capable of meeting in mutual understanding." –

13. Can we get anything we want by wishing for it?

"Yes, if we wish to work." -

Comment: The most powerful magical word here is: DESIRE.

Just how badly do you want it? Here are some tips:

Visualize it. Write it down. Plan. Stand before a mirror and tell yourself out loud what it is you desire. Be persistence. Do not quit. And do not tell anyone about it - their opinion or influence may and will effect your desire and prevent it. Is this understood?

14. Is the power of communication with the astral spirits a sign of development?

"Not necessarily. Development is a positive step forward while many become conscious of super-physical things through retrogression. Crystal-gazing, magic mirrors, and all those things are not developments but are dangerous degenerations which will destroy us if we continue to use them."

Comment: There is a difference between serious psychic development and tampering in the realm of disembodied souls that are lingering on the astral plane (which is the plane nearest to our physical plane.)

15. What are the real dangers of psychic development?

"The first great danger is negative developments, such as mediumships and obsession The second great danger is seeking to unfold spiritual powers before the body has been properly purified to sustain the strain." -

Comment: Anyone who wants to develop their psychic abilites must be mentally and emotionally strong. This is not something you play with..........................

16. Who is a mystic and how does he differ from the occultist?

"The mystic is one who is seeking to gain truth and lift the veil by developing the heart side of his nature. The mystic strives to gain by intuition what the occultist searches for by reason. It is the union of these two paths, the mystic and the occult that gives the seeker the balance that is added to this and the student applies his theoretical knowledge, then the eternal triangle is perfected and balanced in man." –

17. Why are we born with so many imperfections?

"Because when we finished our last visit here, there were many little things and a few great ones that we had not completed. We are still suffering for the many things we did wrong. We start in this time where we left off before." -

Comment: All the more reason to pay attention to your present thoughts, actions and desires in this lifetime. Think about it.

18. Is there a shortcut to perfection?

"The longest way around is the most successful because the fineness of the adjustments made is the basis of the perfection achieved." -

Comment: You may want to reread the related questions about adjustments again.

19. What effect has cremation on the spirit?

"Cremation about three days after death, immediately destroying the body, severs that last tie between the higher organism and its form. In this way, the spiritual bodies are freed to go on with their work." -

Comment: In NON-tragic cases, when you die, your ____ is still mentally, closely attached to your physical body. When the realization comes that you are dead, as in physically separated from your physical body, your new adventure begins.

The higher organism here is your Higher Self, Higher Consciousness, Soul, Spirit, whatever you want to call your SELF.

I've often wondered about the significance of three days. If you know, please email me the answer. Thanks in advance.

20. When can we tell when a past debt has been paid?

"When we meet an unpleasant problem and master it. We never have to pay the same debt twice. If it still bothers us, we have not mastered it." -

Comment: Heavy

21. If we do NOT develop spirituality in this life sufficiently to remember our past lives, do we automatically come into possession of this rememberance when we reach the astral world after death?

"The transition between the material state and the after-death state condition does not bring with it any major improvement in the degree of our knowledge or understanding. The astral body, in which we function after the decease of the physical organism, is not the depository of the records of the past karma. These records are preserved in the ego itself.

The transition termed death, while it demonstrates to the individual himself the fact of immortality, does not necessarily bring any broadened viewpoint on the fact of reincarnation and karma. Thus, spirit mediums seldom receive any instruction concerning rebirth from the decarnate entities that speak through them.

The memory of past lives comes to the individual only when he has reached a state of development by which the secrets that are locked in the consciousness itself are released into the sphere of objective thinking and knowing. The memory of past lives is locked within the superconscious SELF. This SELF is not released by merely dying, but by the philosophical mystery commonly termed illumination." -

Comment: Illumination.........

22. What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?

"Those with knowledge know the things they should do. Those with wisdom do them." –



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