26 January 2009 -Time to be on Alert

As mention earlier in my article "26/11: India under astro lens" number 26 seems unlucky for India, particularly for Mumbai. The city has gone through some of the most tragic experiences on a day involving number 26 (8) such as 26/7/2005, Floods in Mumbai killed more than 1000 people, 11/7/2006, seven bomb blasts occurred at various places on the Suburban Railway, killing over 200 and injuring more than 300. And now the 26/11, the biggest terror attack on India.

Astrologically speaking, the digit in these dates adds up to number 8 & 2. The total of 26.11.2008 adds up to 20 while 26 January 2009 also add up to 20, both the dates involve 26 (8) number, (the number ruled by Saturn) and additions of all digits involve number two (20 ), the number ruled by moon.

On Jan 26, 2009, Moon (Amavas) will be transiting in Capricorn (earthy sign) along with Jupiter, Rahu, Sun, Mercury with Mars just a day away. These five planets transiting together in one zodiac sign indicate big trouble for large number of people.

This is not to scare anyone or anything but we need to be extra careful and alert during such planetary formations.

It’s difficult to imagine what is in store but if you look at 26 January 2009 planetary positions, they are very similar to that of January 15, 1934. (see the chart below)

On the afternoon of
January 15, 1934 an earthquake struck between Nepal and the Indian state of Bihar. Some 30,000 people were said to have died.

Who can forget 2001
Gujarat earthquake and 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia , both involve number 26.

January 26, 2001 Bhuj earthquake killed over 20,000 people and injured more than 200,000. Nearly 400,000 houses were destroyed and twice as much damaged.

26 December 2004 tsunami was even bigger in terms of number of people affected as killed over 111,000 in Indonesia, 31,000 in Sri Lanka, 10,700 in India, 5,400 in Thailand, 68 in Malaysia, 82 in the Maldives, 300 in Myanmar and 150 in Somalia, including 1,500 Scandinavian tourists, and dozens of Germans, Italians, Dutch, etc.

In perspective,
India has experienced some of the world's most devastating earthquakes in the last century. Some 19,000 people died in Kangra District, northeastern Himachal Pradesh, in April 1905, and more than 30,000 died in Latur, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh in September 1993, Assam in 1950, more than 1,500 and in Uttarkashi District of Uttranchal, in 1991, 1,600 were killed by the devastating earthquakes.
Have a close look at the astrological chart of
15 January 1934 and 26 January 2009

Ketu transiting in water Cancer sign. Jupiter in Virgo, earthy sign

Mercury in the fairy sign of Sagittarius about to enter Capricorn (earthy sign),

New Moon (Amavas) placed In Capricorn (the house of Saturn) along with Saturn, Rahu, Mars and Sun with Mercury about to enter this sign.

Venus transiting in Aquarius, the airy sign and the 2nd house of Saturn

as mention above Astro Chart for 26/1/2009 is quite similar except Saturn (is in Leo, house of Sun this time) while Jupiter is transiting in Capricorn in his place along with Sun, Mercury, Rahu. Mars is just around the corner, a day away from entering Capricorn, his sign of exaltation (highest point). Mars in
India"s chart is not benign as it is the lord of 7th house (Marakesh or the one that hits the hardest) and 12th house (Losses, expenditures). Mars will be aspected to Saturn which is not good too.

Venus, India first house lord is placed in Aquarius (as it was in Jan 1934). He will be (aspecting) afflicted by Saturn who will be retrograde. Jupiter, the planet that indicates divine grace is weak and afflicted too. All other benign planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus) will also be afflicted during this time, which doest look good at all. these 5 planets will be aspecting to water sign Cancer that signifies heart, chest in human body therefore, people influenced by this sign or moon may suffer chest pain or heart related ailments.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earthy sign in astrology . The above mentioned 5 planets transiting in Capricorn indicate unfolding of another tragedy related to natural disaster anywhere around the world.

Lord Krisna says in Geeta, "Whatever has to happen will certainly happen but one should always think positive and wish for the best" So lets hope for the best.
Om namha Bhagvate Vasudevaya!


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