Mars transits to rebellious sign Aquarius, be careful while dealing with challenges of reverse migration, public anger
Markets may fall initially and remain highly volatile Planet Mars will enter the sign of Aquarius on 4 th May 2020. The cosmic warrior will also receive inauspicious aspect from mischievous planet Rahu for the next 45 days in this sign , indicates there may be many fold jump in Covid-19 cases in India. We may reach the peak of this troubling health situation during this phase and need to be extremely cautious and careful. Please note as i said earlier this is a karmic cycle where all planets are transiting in Rahu-Ketu kaal serp dosh axis and are also going through cosmic lock-down where their positive energy is interrupted This deadly virus originated around solar eclipse of Dec 26, 2019 and may begin to reduce drastically or end once Lord Sun passes Rahu axis in Gemini from June 15 to July 17, 2020. The situation is likely to worsen in the next few weeks or may be months. We must observe complete fasting ...