And Then "The World Ends on Dec 21, 2012" ???
This winter solstice has been particularly hyped by the many and varied statements about the "ending" of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012".
What is your reaction to this nervous excitement about the calendar ending?
What happens, when our calendar ends every year? We just cycle to a (buy)new one. Most ancient cultures agreed in the perception that time is cyclical and not linear, so the idea of us hitting a wall in time suddenly and everything falling apart and the world ending seems a bit unrealistic to us.
What happens, when our calendar ends every year? We just cycle to a (buy)new one. Most ancient cultures agreed in the perception that time is cyclical and not linear, so the idea of us hitting a wall in time suddenly and everything falling apart and the world ending seems a bit unrealistic to us.
The center of our galaxy lies in the direction of 6° of the sign Sagittarius, in the lunar mansion (Nakshatra) called Mula, which means "Root."
When we look at the vastness of space and the spiraling cycles of time, its hard to imagine that there would be one day where everything comes to a head and then falls apart. Looking at the scales of hundreds and thousands of years, we see that things change in trends and tides with certain intense and notable events peppering the landscape of time in order to mark and note the trends. It could be that with our 21-12-2012 date we could see some of that pepper sprinkling down from the mill of time to mark the overarching changes that we see in our world.
Remember the earthquake/tsunami of December 26, 2004? That was a rather notable event that happened around a winter solstice that occurred on the degree of the galactic center.
Remember the earthquake/tsunami of December 26, 2004? That was a rather notable event that happened around a winter solstice that occurred on the degree of the galactic center.
I think this collective fear and apprehension about the "end times" is that it is rooted in the collective subconscious of humanity. As a species, I think we have a desire to evolve spiritually and to connect with the source, which some people call God, some call the Tao, some call The Great Spirit. As a collective group, we have been undergoing some intense changes on the material plane in the past 300 years which have caused both great advances in giving us extended lifespans and comfort in our physical lives but have also led to a very real crisis in the balance of life on our planet due to the disregard of the environmental and social impacts that our "industrial revolution" has required.
With the intuitive instruments in our bodies we can sense that we are headed towards disaster if we keep moving forward with this disregard, just as a deer in the forest can sense an oncoming storm or fire. What we really need is a deeper connection with The Great Spirit (God) that is embodied in our planet and its creatures, including ourselves and our fellow humans.
With the intuitive instruments in our bodies we can sense that we are headed towards disaster if we keep moving forward with this disregard, just as a deer in the forest can sense an oncoming storm or fire. What we really need is a deeper connection with The Great Spirit (God) that is embodied in our planet and its creatures, including ourselves and our fellow humans.
If we turn to the Vedic ages, which are cycles within cycles, the view that we ascribe to is that we are currently in the ascending portion of Kali Yuga, the age of darkness and iron, the nadir of the great cycle of time. That means that we're on our way up toward the light and the ages of enlightenment (again!) So the uncomfortable condition of evolving through a certain level of barbarism and environmental and social disregard is upon us. For those of us alive during these times we face the task of choosing light over dark, others over self, and love over fear. By reaching out and connecting with others, with animals, with plants, with rocks and with the sweet life of our planet and the larger arena of our solar system and galaxy, we are acknowledging our oneness with the light of the universe :)
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