Mercury Retrograde February 23 – March 17-Time to prevent miscommunication

With Mercury, the planet of communication, turning retrograde in Saturn's air sign Aquarius, you are likely to get too confused and indecisive.Your faculty of communication, analytic ability, attention to detail, intellectual capacity, humor and diplomacy exchange become reverse or appear to be lost during this time. 

During this time you must apply extra effort to exercise and strengthen the natural qualities of Mercury-Communication, diplomacy, humor, etc. Pay attention to detail, communication and exchange through double confirmation of time/place, analysis of the plan. If the situation is not prevented and a miscommunication does occur, the remedies are diplomacy and sense of humor!

if you want solid proof of mercury retrograde effect, pay attention to what people are saying and how media is representing the facts. Do watch how our own elected representative in parliament behaving and communicating..
What makes the situation worrisome is involvement of Mars, Sun and Venus, who are transiting in this sign till Mid March 2013.  So, put every effort to prevent Mercury retrograde situations from arising during this time. Mercury knows how to find the silver lining and laugh things off, but egoistic Mars can tend to react to plans going awry with anger and frustration.
The illusion of chaos presented by Mercury retrograde motion generally shows up a few days before and lingers a few days after the official period. So, be ready with your plans, your observations and your sense of humor. As the great Benjamin Franklin (who had Mercury retrograde in his birth chart, so he would know) said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
With Mars, Venus, Sun together with retrograde Mercury, it can become very easy to fall into self-centered behavior; this combination happening in Aquarius provides a convenient check and balance system for the ego. On the positive side, the friendship between Sun and Mars when they are sharing space often creates an abundance of heat and light, like building a bonfire on a sunny day. 
Sun is the indicator for our self, our soul, or ego and life purpose. Through the Sun comes our self-expression and individuality. The Sun is the center of our planetary system, around which the other planets revolve. The crux of balancing the solar energy is to express the self without falling into a state of self-centeredness.
Aquarius is Saturn's air sign, the domain of brotherly love, equality of all beings and negation of ego. Therefore, an interesting place for the Sun to visit each year, giving us the chance to find a way to express ourselves without ego and to recognize that our individual, unique soul is actually one with the unique, individual soul of each and every other being.
With so many planets occupying two air signs-Libra & Aquarius, something to guard against is too much mental energy. Worry, anxiety, fear and stress could all arise due to the impact of so many planets moving through Libra (Saturn/Rahu) and Aquarius (Sun, Mars, Venus,Mercury). A great idea would be to plan for healing, relaxing and rejuvenation time and activities that counterbalance the mental circus that could come around you. 


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